Thursday, September 7, 2017

The girls cry while having sexual intercourse, But why cry!

The study carried out survey of 230 women in the United Stated. Five percent of them said that they have had problems several times over the past months.
In 2011, the report published in the International Journal of Sexual Health said that one- third of women suffer from depression even after having a sedative sex. They spent a lot of time on Kannar, even before sex, many women became emotional. A 28 years old woman her name is Laura said that she had only cried after her hugging her. Many times this condition can last for a few hours. Sometimes after sleeping in the night after sex. It seems that the heart is bad.

Sophie, 25, said, "I often cry after sex. It seems to me that maybe the body needs a lot of hormones to overcome this condition.

Relationship expert Jane Day said, sex comes in life through various flavors and smells. With a very emotional, slow-forward and deep feeling, it may have taken a lot of interest after sex.

Expert Dr. Petra Boyton said that the feeling of being sad or depressed after sex can depend on many factors. Different types of emotions become influential in many ways.

Wrong explanation can come when no one is accustomed to this matter. The next reaction may be the feeling of anxiety, anxiety and not feeling good.

Even boys can cry. Charlie, 31, said that after crying for the first time in life, I cried a lot. I got scared.

But it is According to Baitan, this problem can bring the two more people mentally. Again emotion of the kind of sex may get rubbed in many ways.

5 Exercises Men Can Do to Improve Their Sex Life

These simple ideas and techniques could help both you and your lover enjoy better sex.
Let’s face it: No matter how proficient you think you are, every now and then, you could use a little boost to improve your sex life and satisfy your partner. Try these simple, achievable sex tips with your lover tonight.

know 5 Exercises Men Can Do to Improve Their Sex Life: 

1. Plan for sex: It may not sound that romantic, but Dr. Simmons says it’s a great way to improve your sex life and satisfy women. Construct a plan for having sex, he suggests: “Setting aside time or arranging opportunities for sex is very important, especially for busy couples or those with children. Don’t let the frequency of sex dwindle due to fatigue or the inability to find the ‘right time.’”

2. Make use of technology: Want to keep her in the mood for sex later that night while you’re stuck at the office? Use your cell phone or e-mail. “Send her sexy messages throughout the day,” advises Mandel.

3. Compliment her body: Want a foolproof way to drive her wild and ensure better sex? “Find a particular feature, and tell her that she is the best in this class,” says Mandel.

4. Focus on relaxation:
Men like to get excited for better sex, but women are more likely to get in the mood through relaxation. “Wash her hair in the shower or massage her scalp to relax her,” says Debbie Mandel, a stress management expert and author of Addicted to Stress. “A woman needs to be relaxed before she is ready to receive.”

5. Foreplay:
Regardless of how you get revved up for better sex, Matthew N. Simmons, MD, PhD, of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute in Cleveland, suggests not skimping on the foreplay — no matter how long you have been together as a couple. “Foreplay contributes greatly to stronger orgasms and improved sex,” he says. “Gearing up your autonomic nervous system will increase sensitivity, excitement, and strength of orgasm. Your patience and attentiveness will pay dividends.”

20 Great Sex Tips for Men

These simple ideas and techniques could help both you and your lover enjoy better sex.
Let’s face it: No matter how proficient you think you are, every now and then, you could use a little boost to improve your sex life and satisfy your partner. Try these simple, achievable sex tips with your lover tonight.

1. Talk about sex: As time passes in a relationship, it’s easy to get into a rut and just go through the motions, rather than express what you really want (and need) in bed. Sex therapist Williams Lucena, FMD, says it’s time to break this cycle with some frank talk. “Ask each other, ‘What do I need in bed from you?’” he suggests. “Get back to the communication you used to have.”

2. Eat healthy: This doesn’t sound like a sex tip, but treating your body right with good nutrition helps the whole body, including your libido, says Debbie Mandel, a stress management expert and author of Addicted to Stress. “Eat healthy foods to reduce cholesterol and keep your cardiovascular system humming,” she adds. “This will ensure that circulation is at peak performance for the ‘southern hemisphere.’”

3. Do your household chores:
Want to put your wife in the mood for better sex? “Help around the house,” says Mandel. “The best foreplay happens outside the bedroom. By helping with chores and errands, you make them feel valued.”

4. Exercise:
Few things will get you ready to satisfy women quite like getting in regular exercise each day, says Matthew N. Simmons, MD, PhD, of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute in Cleveland. “Even as little as 15 minutes of exercise daily will improve self-esteem, self-image, and libido,” he says. “Exercise makes the physical aspects of sex more enjoyable. Furthermore, making exercise a habit promotes cardiovascular health, which is necessary for normal erectile function.”

5. But don’t overdo it:
Too much exercise can have the opposite effect, says Pete McCall, MS, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise. “Being in an overtraining state produces general feelings of fatigue and low energy and can disrupt sleep patterns and change mood,” he says. “This is hardly a good combination for wooing a romantic partner.”

6. In fact, work out together:
If exercise is good, then exercising with your lover is an even better sex tip, says Mandel. “Working out together ensures that both libidos and endorphins will be up,” she says. “Since you’re both already sweating, take it to the next level. Stretching together is also a good idea.”
The Aphrodisiac Effect: Foods That Rev Your Engines
Despite what you may have heard, there is no substance that will create sexual desire where none exists. Even Viagra can't do that. But there are a few foods that will rev your engines once they've already started.Play Video

7. Abstain a bit:
Abstinence as a sex tip? Believe it or not, it’s a surefire way to improve sex and make your next encounter with your lover even more exciting. “Practice abstinence for a couple of days, a weekend, or a week,” says Mandel. “Abstinence does make the heart grow fonder and makes you lust after forbidden fruit.”

Related: 5 Exercises Men Can Do to Improve Their Sex Life

8. Plan for sex:
It may not sound that romantic, but Dr. Simmons says it’s a great way to improve your sex life and satisfy women. Construct a plan for having sex, he suggests: “Setting aside time or arranging opportunities for sex is very important, especially for busy couples or those with children. Don’t let the frequency of sex dwindle due to fatigue or the inability to find the ‘right time.’”

9. Make use of technology:
Want to keep her in the mood for sex later that night while you’re stuck at the office? Use your cell phone or e-mail. “Send her sexy messages throughout the day,” advises Mandel.

10. Compliment her body:
Want a foolproof way to drive her wild and ensure better sex? “Find a particular feature, and tell her that she is the best in this class,” says Mandel.

11. Focus on relaxation:
Men like to get excited for better sex, but women are more likely to get in the mood through relaxation. “Wash her hair in the shower or massage her scalp to relax her,” says Debbie Mandel, a stress management expert and author of Addicted to Stress. “A woman needs to be relaxed before she is ready to receive.”

12. Foreplay:
Regardless of how you get revved up for better sex, Matthew N. Simmons, MD, PhD, of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute in Cleveland, suggests not skimping on the foreplay — no matter how long you have been together as a couple. “Foreplay contributes greatly to stronger orgasms and improved sex,” he says. “Gearing up your autonomic nervous system will increase sensitivity, excitement, and strength of orgasm. Your patience and attentiveness will pay dividends.”

13. Think like a woman:
Natalie Bencivenga, co-founder, editor, and writer of, advises thinking like a woman. “To think like a woman in bed, you don’t have to be one,” she says. “Give attention to some of her most neglected areas, like her neck, her feet, her inner thighs. Tease her mercilessly. Make her want it. You will be surprised what a build-up will bring!”

14. Let her take the lead:
Men so often take the lead in bed. Sometimes, the key to better sex is letting her be in charge. “Don’t be afraid to let your mate lead,” says Joyce Morley, EdD, a licensed counselor in Decatur, Ga. “Allow your mate to initiate sexual pleasure on occasions, as well as taking the top position.”

15. Don’t overlook lubricant:
According to Bencivenga, there’s no shame in using lubricant to satisfy women. “Many guys think that since women get wet, if we aren’t wet, then we aren’t into it,” she says. “That’s not true. Sometimes, whether it’s stress, certain times of the month, or fatigue, women can have a hard time getting physically aroused even when they are mentally in the game. Lubricant in the bedside drawer is your new best friend.”

16. Switch things up:
If you’re experiencing a case of the “same-old, same-old,” working on adding a little variety is the key to better sex, says Simmons. “Spice things up by planning and discussing variations on your usual sexual habits,” he explains. “Lingerie, toys, new positions, and other creative additions can enhance intimacy and orgasm.”

17. Change the location:
Another way to add variety and improve sex life, suggests Mandel, is to try someplace new. “Do it in different places to experience a different energy,” she says. “Take it outdoors if you are overwhelmed with technology and want to get back your natural rhythm.”

18. Make love instead:
Does it feel lately like it’s just sex? “Try making love,” advises Dr. Morley. “You make love with that special someone, but you have sex with anybody.”

Related: The History of Smooching

19. Use touch even without sex:
Even when you’re not having sex, you can still improve your sex life by using touch in an intimate, but not sexual, way. “Touching is important, but doesn’t always mean sex,” says Morley. “It is important to be intimate with your mate by touching her with love and affection on a daily basis. Kiss daily, and don’t be afraid to allow her to reciprocate.”

20. Practice self-care:
“Take good care of your penis,” says Dr. Simmons. “Penile injury is usually sustained when your partner is on top or when the penis buckles from missed penetration. If things are getting out of hand, ask your partner to ease up. If you suspect a penile fracture due to a perceived ‘pop’ followed by bruising, see a urologist immediately.”

Source: Everyday Health

27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition. People, even qualified experts, often seem to have the exact opposite opinions. However, despite all the disagreements, there are a few things that are well supported by research. Here are 27 health and nutrition tips that are actually based on good science.

1. Don't Drink Sugar Calories : Sugary drinks are the most fattening things you can put into your body. This is because liquid sugar calories don't get registered by the brain in the same way as calories from solid foods. For this reason, when you drink soda, you end up eating more total calories. Sugary drinks are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and all sorts of health problems
Keep in mind that fruit juices are almost as bad as soda in this regard. They contain just as much sugar, and the small amounts of antioxidants do NOT negate the harmful effects of the sugar.

2. Eat Nuts: Despite being high in fat, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy. They are loaded with magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and various other nutrients. Studies show that nuts can help you lose weight, and may help fight type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, about 10-15% of the calories in nuts aren't even absorbed into the body, and some evidence suggests that they can boost metabolism. In one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62% compared to complex carbohydrates.

3. Avoid Processed Junk Food (Eat Real Food Instead): All the processed junk foods in the diet are the biggest reason the world is fatter and sicker than ever before. These foods have been engineered to be "hyper-rewarding," so they trick our brains into eating more than we need, even leading to addiction in some people. They are also low in fiber, protein and micronutrients (empty calories), but high in unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined grains.

4. Don't Fear Coffee: Coffee has been unfairly demonized. The truth is that it's actually very healthy. Coffee is high in antioxidants, and studies show that coffee drinkers live longer, and have a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and numerous other diseases.

5. Eat Fatty Fish: Pretty much everyone agrees that fish is healthy. This is particularly true of fatty fish, like salmon, which is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients. Studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of all sorts of diseases, including heart disease, dementia and depression.

6. Get Enough Sleep: The importance of getting enough quality sleep can not be overstated. It may be just as important as diet and exercise, if not more. Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, throw your appetite hormones out of whack and reduce your physical and mental performance. What's more, it is one of the strongest individual risk factors for future weight gain and obesity. One study showed that short sleep was linked to 89% increased risk of obesity in children, and 55% in adults.

7. Take Care of Your Gut Health With Probiotics and Fiber:
The bacteria in your gut, collectively called the gut microbiota, are sometimes referred to as the "forgotten organ." These gut bugs are incredibly important for all sorts of health-related aspects. A disruption in the gut bacteria is linked to some of the world's most serious chronic diseases, including obesity. A good way to improve gut health, is to eat probiotic foods (like live yogurt and sauerkraut), take probiotic supplements, and eat plenty of fiber. Fiber functions as fuel for the gut bacteria.

8. Drink Some Water, Especially Before Meals: Drinking enough water can have numerous benefits. One important factor, is that it can help boost the amount of calories you burn. According to 2 studies, it can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours. This can amount to 96 additional calories burned if you drink 2 liters (67 oz) of water per day. The best time to drink water is half an hour before meals. One study showed that half a liter of water, 30 minutes before each meal, increased weight loss by 44%.

9. Don't Overcook or Burn Your Meat: Meat can be a nutritious and healthy part of the diet. It is very high in protein, and contains various important nutrients. The problems occur when meat is overcooked and burnt. This can lead to the formation of harmful compounds that raise the risk of cancer.
So, eat your meat, just don't overcook or burn it.

10. Avoid Bright Lights Before Sleep: When we're exposed to bright lights in the evening, this disrupts production of the sleep hormone melatonin. An interesting "hack" is to use a pair of amber-tinted glasses that block blue light from entering your eyes in the evening. This allows melatonin to be produced as if it were completely dark, helping you sleep better.

11. Take Vitamin D3 if You Don't Get Much Sun: Back in the day, most people got their vitamin D from the sun. The problem is that most people don't get much sun these days. They either live where there is no sun, or they stay inside most of the day or use sunscreen when they go out. According to data from 2005-2006, about 41.6% of the US population is deficient in this critical vitamin. If adequate sun exposure is not an option for you, then supplementing with vitamin D has been shown to have numerous benefits for health. This includes improved bone health, increased strength, reduced symptoms of depression and a lower risk of cancer, to name a few. Vitamin D may also help you live longer.

12. Eat Vegetables and Fruits: Vegetables and fruits are the "default" health foods, and for good reason. They are loaded with prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals and all sorts of antioxidants, some of which have potent biological effects. Studies show that people who eat the most vegetables and fruits live longer, and have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and all sorts of diseases.

13. Make Sure to Eat Enough Protein: Eating enough protein is incredibly important, and many experts believe that the recommended daily intake is too low. Protein is particularly important for weight loss, and works via several different mechanisms. A high protein intake can boost metabolism significantly, while making you feel so full that you automatically eat fewer calories. It can also cut cravings and reduce the desire for late-night snacking. Eating plenty of protein has also been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

14. Do Some Cardio, or Just Walk More Doing aerobic exercise (or cardio) is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. It is particularly effective at reducing belly fat, the harmful type of fat that builds up around your organs. Reduced belly fat should lead to major improvements in metabolic health.

15. Don't Smoke or do Drugs, and Only Drink in Moderation: If you're a tobacco smoker, or abuse drugs, then diet and exercise are the least of your worries. Tackle those problems first. If you choose to include alcohol in your life, then do so in moderation only, and consider avoiding it completely if you have alcoholic tendencies.

16. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on the planet. It is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants that can fight inflammation. Extra virgin olive oil leads to many beneficial effects on heart health, and people who consume olive oil have a much lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes.

17. Minimize Your Intake of Added Sugars: Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. Small amounts are fine, but when people eat large amounts, it can wreak havoc on metabolic health. A high intake of added sugar is linked to numerous diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many forms of cancer.

18. Don't Eat a Lot of Refined Carbohydrates: Not all carbs are created equal. Refined carbs have been highly processed, and have had all the fiber removed from them. They are low in nutrients (empty calories), and can be extremely harmful. Studies show that refined carbohydrates are linked to overeating and numerous metabolic diseases.

19. Don't Fear Saturated Fat: The "war" on saturated fat was a mistake. It is true that saturated fat raises cholesterol, but it also raises HDL (the "good") cholesterol and changes the LDL from small to large, which is linked to a lower risk of heart disease. New studies that included hundreds of thousands of people have shown that there is no link between saturated fat consumption and heart disease.

20. Lift Heavy Things: Lifting weights is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your body and improve your body composition. It also leads to massive improvements in metabolic health, including improved insulin sensitivity. The best approach is to go to a gym and lift weights, but doing body weight exercises can be just as effective.

21. Avoid Artificial Trans Fats: Artificial trans fats are harmful, man-made fats that are strongly linked to inflammation and heart disease.
It is best to avoid them like the plague.

22. Use Plenty of Herbs and Spices: There are many incredibly healthy herbs and spices out there. For example, ginger and turmeric both have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, leading to various health benefits.You should make an effort to include as many different herbs and spices as you can. Many of them can have powerful beneficial effects on your health.

23. Take Care of Your Relationships: Social relationships are incredibly important. Not only for your mental well being, but your physical health as well. Studies show that people who are close with friends and family are healthier and live much longer than those who are not.

24. Track Your Food Intake Every Now and Then: The only way to know exactly what you are eating, is to weigh your foods and use a nutrition tracker like My Fitnesspal or Cron-o-meter. This is important to know how many calories you are eating. It is also essential to make sure that you're getting in enough protein, fiber and micronutrients. Studies show that people who track their food intake in one way or another tend to be more successful at losing weight and sticking to a healthy diet. Basically, anything that increases your awareness of what you are eating is likely to help you succeed. I personally track everything I eat for a few days in a row, every few months. Then I know exactly where to make adjustments in order to get closer to my goals.

25. If You Have Excess Belly Fat, Get Rid of it:  Not all body fat is equal. It is mostly the fat in your abdominal cavity, the belly fat, that causes problems. This fat builds up around the organs, and is strongly linked to metabolic disease. For this reason, your waist size may be a much stronger marker for your health than the number on the scale. Cutting carbs, eating more protein, and eating plenty of fiber are all excellent ways to get rid of belly fat. This article lists 6 evidence-based ways to lose belly fat.

26. Don't go on a "Diet": Diets are notoriously ineffective, and rarely work well in the long term. In fact, "dieting" is one of the strongest predictors for future weight gain. Instead of going on a diet, try adopting a healthier lifestyle. Focus on nourishing your body, instead of depriving it. Weight loss should follow as a natural side effect of better food choices and improved metabolic health.

27. Eat Eggs, and Don't Throw Away The Yolk: Whole eggs are so nutritious that they're often referred to as "nature's multivitamin." It is a myth that eggs are bad for you because of the cholesterol. Studies show that they have no effect on blood cholesterol in the majority of people. Additionally, a massive review study that included 263,938 individuals found that egg consumption had no association with the risk of heart disease.

Source: healthline

The best 10 seats for sex in pregnancy time with photos

We have been requesting a lot of readers to give a picture of that kind of sexual intercourse women have when they are pregnant. Earlier we had posted a post about " The Rules for sexual intercourse during pregnancy". Many people starts requesting these pictures to give them pictures so that they can understand.

Below are the original Ones given 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The rules for sexual intercourse during pregnancy

There are certain precautions for a woman to have intercourse during pregnancy. Otherwise there is a possibility of harm.

Here The rules for sexual intercourse during pregnancy:

* Five to six months of pregnant women should not enter full india in the vagina. It is very careful during this time.
* The woman will sit on both sides and tilt her legs on one side. That is, the right side will have to sit on the right side of the face to face. As a result, full sense will not enter.
* Sitting in front of the face, that is the two of them are confronted by the urine and then they are called the scientists as the best or ideal or combination. But the sense will never be fully penetrated. Keep an eye on that.
* Both of them could be man-mad from behind by lying on their side. The sense will enter the vagina of their own vagina.
* Two women will lie naked after lying, but the male will join his body with a hip of a women and lie down on the back side.
* Men can be able to stand straight in the two men's arms straight away.

How long is normal during sexual intercourse?

At this present time all BOYS is most important questions is-How long is normal during sexual intercourse?
Recently, a study published in the international journal of sexual medicine found that "that best time for sexal intercourse is from seven to thirteen minutes". But Dr Eric Kottry, Behrend college in Eric, pennsylvania, demonstrated in his research  three minute love parlor milne is Enough.