Thursday, August 31, 2017

The way to get pink nipples

There may be different colors of nipples such as pink, red, brown, black, etc. Our breasts develop from birth to old age, from puberty to pregnancy. Initially our breasts are pinkish. Color and size begin to become different with physical changes. There are many reasons why our nipples change color. Some of the common reasons for this include genetic status, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, puberty, breastfeeding, medicine, skin mats etc. Eu melanin or brown pigment and phenomenal red pigment of the nipple skin are regulated for these two reasons. The expansion of this pigment reddish the spheroid around the acne or the bladder. The color of the breast depends on the nature of the skin, which can be changed in the form of ancestry. Pink breasts in the Caucasians region, brown breasts of Southeast Asians, black breeds of African are seen.Men usually like women with dark colored breasts. So before you start using these solutions, make sure that your partner has the consent of the matter! 12% of white skin in the US believe that their nipples need dark color because they get pink color in the normal way. They believe dark complexion is more docile in sex appeal.Home remedies for pink nipplesIf you still have your decision after reading all the above information, then we may suggest some solutions to make your breasts bright and pink:

Lemon extract: Lemon juice is widely used for this reason. Pour lemon juice and add honey and yogurt. Apply it on the nipple and allow 30 minutes to dry. Then wash it with water. Apply this method once a week.

Clay Lime: Extract lemon juice and add honey to it. Apply this mixture to your breasts and allow 30 minutes to dry it. Remove it and apply this method once a week. Lemon is acidic because it helps in lifting dead cells from your skin and gives your breasts a fresh look. 

Moistener: You can use lightening cream with lemon. Apply on your breast such ointments such as Vaseline, lip balm or she butter, every night, it keeps your breasts fresh. While bathing the next morning, do not forget to clean this section well. This especially prevents acne.

Almonds: Nuts also help to change the color of your breasts. Pour milk and nuts well on the blender and apply it in a specific area. You can also buy nut oil from the market and you can use it freely. You keep it a day, and then you remove it and clean it. Keep repeating it until you find significant results.Besides having beautiful nipples, we must remember that our nipples are also good health. Your diet, body exercises, body use, etc. affect your breasts and bouts. Let us know some tips for this: 
Proper food consumption: Many studies and studies have proven that some can prevent breast cancer. These kinds of fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and take care of them. For your nipple care, flax seeds, walnuts, omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, cranberries, eggs, avocados etc., in your diet list. Must be added. 
Exercise: Exercise for 4 hours in a week, decreases estrogen levels in the body and you are able to prevent breast cancer. 
Stop Smoking: Smoking brings many diseases for health. These include breast cancer and pregnancy hindrances. The chances of breast cancer in women who smoke are 30% higher than non-smokers.

Stop Drinking: It is not as harmful as smoking. Alcohol is good in just a few cases but it does not only damage the organs of your body, but it also tightens your muscles. Research also proves that excessive alcohol can lead to breast cancer.

Sleeping posture: Be careful about your sleeping position for better breast care. Tears on your breasts and stomach on your abdomen and does not allow it to grow. It is not healthy for you at all.At the end, you should remember that if you have healthy nutrition, you will get bright and good breasts. If you start using your favorite remedies, you will soon be able to improve in this area.Some tips (tips)

Mulberry extracts: You can use mulberry or lactic acid because they work as a good source of vitamin
C. It can be very easy to brighten the nipple bolt. The black spots on the skin around the acne


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