Thursday, August 31, 2017

According to the height, the ideal weight of men and women

Find out the ideal weight of the male male according to the height, when we look at it, we only say that someone is fat or slim. Actually, that's not all. According to medical science, by determining body mass index or BMI, someone is said to be lean or fat. Each person has a standard weight in terms of elevation. It is assumed that if the weight is in this standard level, that is more or less than this, then the person is entitled to a healthy body. And there is less chance of disease.In the standard weight diagnosis procedure, a person's weight is measured in kilograms and the height is measured in meters. The weight is then divided by the height of the square. This division tells BMI. BMI is normal between 18 to 24. Between 25 to 30 healthy or slightly thick, between 30 and 35, thicker. And on top of 35, it can be said to be very high and sick.No one is overweight or too little weight. Many of us are short but fat, but others are very tall, but they are very tall, but they are very tall, but they are very tall, but like sepia sepai. These conditions mean that they do not have weight according to the height. To know if your weight is too low or it's right, then know how to heighten it According to the height, the ideal weight of men and women.

Height Men (kg) Women (kg) 

►4'7 "- 39-49 - 36-46 
►4'8 "- 41-50 - 38-48 
►4'9 "- 42-52 - 39-50 
►4'10 "- 44-54 - 41-52 
►4'11 "- 45-56 - 42-53 
►5Fit - 47-58 - 43-55 
►5'1 "- 48-60 - 45-57 
►5'2 "- 50 - 62 - 46-59 
►5'3 "- 51-64 - 48-61
 ►5'4 "- 53-66 - 49-63
 ►5'5 "- 55-68 - 51-65
 ►5'6 "- 56-70 - 53-67 
►5'7 "- 58-7২ - 54-69 
► 5'8 "- 60-74 - 56-71 
► 5'9 "- 62-76 - 57-71 
►5'10 "- 64-79 - 59-75 
►5'11 "- 65-81 - 61-77 
► 6 Ft - 67-83 - 63-80 
►6'1 "- 69-86 - 65-82
 ►6'2 "- 71-88 - 67-84

It is bad to see if the body is excessively ill, and it is quick to blink. People suffering from malnutrition are very ill. As a result, there is a great potential for many diseases related to nutrition, such as anemia or blood glucose, physical weakness, various skin diseases etc. Malnutrition can lead to various diseases including hair fall, tooth decay, bone loss.Again, excess body fat is deposited as a result of fat or pus. Fatty cells or fat cells increase in fat, fat accumulates in the body. At the abdomen, nipple, fat cell is more. Fat may increase the body fat due to excessive eating, or the amount of calories being consumed or the amount of calories being consumed. After listening or knowing these, many would say that weight is high even after eating the right amount of food. Their complaints are correct. Due to hereditary reasons, people can be fat.Weight gain may also be due to drinking alcohol, excessive sleep, stress, steroid and other types of medicines. There are many problems with excess weight or perfume. There is a possibility of any kind of heart disease for excess weight. In addition, many problems arising in fat deposits in the bloodstream. Excess weight is also due to blood pressure. Diabetes type-2 can be used to increase fat. The obese person has more than 5 percent chance of uterus, prostate and colon cancer.There is a problem of walking with weight gain. Knee concurrent, cartilage, ligament is decayed. Increases the chance of arthritis, arthritis and gout. Increased chances of paleolithic stones increase from excess fat.In all, it is said that the excess weight or excessive weight - both reverse the recovery. Determine your ideal weight, and try to bring the weight to the ideal position in terms of your condition. It is not only good to be beautiful, but to live well, to be truly good.


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