Bad things done to boys during sexual intercourse!
Bridal life is a life expectancy for every man and woman. This life is beautiful, divine and full of maturity through the sexual intercourse of husband and wife. For this, both men and women have direct or indirect contributions. But due to lack of proper knowledge of sex, men do something terrible in the beginning that they have to travel around them for a long time.Because of some greedy attitudes of men, it is often seen that the bridal relationship is ruined. The main reason for this problem is the lack of transparency of boys about sexual intercourse and girls' sexual desire. There are many books in this subject in foreign languages but there is nothing in Bengal. So there is a little bit of attention to this.
Do not kiss the wife first: - If you go to sexual places without having kissed with your wife at the beginning of the physical union, then you can imagine that you do not really love her, she only came to meet her physical needs. It is indeed for both of them to kiss a wife with deep love that he started an uncommon sexual intercourse.From the very beginning, the feminine breast is overwhelmed: - Most of the time, men are overwhelmed with the breast of the wife. Almost all the girls get so much pain before they get excited. So first let's keep pace with my tension, but gradually move forward.
Rest for a while: - As men can stop for a little while in extreme tension, but they can start from that place, it is not possible for the girls. They need enough time to get excited. If they stop suddenly after the extreme excitement, they will go back to their previous condition, so they have to get excited once again. So, as hard as possible, she should continue to adore her till her extreme tension prevails.
Do not pay attention to other parts of the wife's body: - Men should remember one thing during sexual intercourse, important places, including women's busts, are not their only sexual spaces. Men's main sex organs are limited to only a few areas of their body, but almost whole body of women is sensitive. So her body does not have a place where the husband could not touch.
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